Saturday, May 26, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Blast door map

Blast door map
NOTE: Maybe there are some errors in the equations...
The purple colored notes are taken from the official Lost Jigsaw Puzzles.

Lost distance clues

MikeQuinn007 had the great idea of searching the transcripts for concrete distance specifications. So I searched the scripts for the term "mile" and "kilometer" and made this list (sorted by episode).
EDIT 04/22/07: I've extended the list by the terms "click", "day", "North", "East", "South", "West" (thanks to Maverick for this idea).

Season 1

Pilot: 6 hours in. Our radio went out, no one could see us. We turned back to land in Fiji, by the time we hit turbulence we were 1000 miles off course. They're looking for us in the wrong place.
JACK: No. Kate, I'm -- I just don't understand why you won't come with me. Us. It's maybe a mile up there, if that. (distance between the beach camp and caves)
LOCKE: Whether you stay is up to you. The camp is 4 miles due west. (distance between the place Locke tied up Boone and the beach camp)

JACK: Locke? Where'd you see Locke?
SAYID: About a mile East of here, walking through the jungle. At least I think it's East.
(confirming that Boone is tied up somewhere east of the camp because Sayid met Locke on his way back to the camp)
LOCKE: About a mile north. We were looking for the dog. (Jack found Claire after being kidnapped by Ethan)
LOCKE: We found one of the smugglers about a half a click West of here dressed as a priest -- Nigerian currency in his pockets, and this. Now you're armed and I'm not. Does that earn me any trust?
DANIELLE: Our ship went aground on this island 16 years ago. There were 6 of us -- my team, 6. At that time I was already 7 months pregnant. I delivered the infant myself. The baby and I were together for only 1 week when I saw black smoke -- a pillar of black smoke 5 kilometers inland. That night they came -- they came and took her -- Alex. They took my baby. And now, they're coming again. They're coming for all of you. (may be the distance between Rousseau's first camp and an outpost of the Others)

MICHAEL: Look, so, we're going approximately North by Northeast. So, hopefully that puts us into a shipping lane, or we hit some land. (on the raft)
ARZT: Hold on, wait, hold on. What are we a couple miles inland? [to Danielle] A tsunami probably swept it here, huh, right? (talking about the position of the Black Rock)
MICHAEL: We're 15 miles out. We could be here for weeks. If that battery runs out... (position of the raft when Walt was abducted)

Season 2

JACK: Uh, Locke found, uh, a hatch in the ground about a half a mile from here. We left to blow it open so that we could hide inside -- so all of us could hide inside, in case -- but that doesn't matter now because it's not going to work. There's no way for all of us to get down in there tonight. (distance caves - hatch)
MICHAEL: By what? Them? I thought they lived a day back that way?
(hinting the distance between Arrow and the Others)
BERNARD: We've been walking for 3 days straight, Ana. (distance between the tail section crash site and the pit)
CHARLIE: Yes, I saw your plane. It's about a kilometer that way. (distance between Eko's smokey encounter - beechcraft)
JACK: You said these people were two days across the island.(hinting the distance to the Arrow/Pit)
SAWYER: Yeah, and they took Cindy less than a mile from our camp. (distance of the place Shannon was shot)

LOCKE [to Sawyer]: When you came across the island what side was the ocean on? [Sawyer looks around and points] You came from the East, Michael's heading North.
SAWYER: I heard her scream. Found her out in the jungle about a half a click from here. (when Charlie "abducted" Sun)
SAYID: And you were in a cave for all that time?
GALE: Off the beach on the North shore of the island.
SAYID: How far from this beach to where you were captured?
GALE: I don't know.
SAYID: How many days' walk?
GALE: 2 -- 2 days.

SAYID: This is at least a day's walk.(distance to Henry Gale's balloon)
BERNARD: Yes, Hurley, we're going to need a lot more rocks. There's a lava field about a half mile inland that's loaded with them. We're going to haul them out in 2 man teams. So, you guys double up, and I am going to start sketching out the letters in the sand. Let's do this. (could be indicating that they're close to the crater)
SAYID: If you want to do something nice for Libby, there's a beautiful beach 3 kilometers from here. You could take her there. (distance beach camp - romantic beach)

MICHAEL: Hey, John. I found them. After I left I hiked North back to where we were [he looks at Ana]. I hiked to the beach -- followed the shore line. A day later I saw one. (but he's lying)
MR. FRIENDLY: You got a problem, Michael?
MICHAEL: You march me day and night without any rest. Yeah, my problem is I'm tired.
MR. FRIENDLY: Well, I'd offer to knock you out and carry you, but we're here.
(distance between the capure of Michael and the fake camp)

Season 3

SAYID: Jack knows we're out here. He's counting on our signal. Perhaps he's not able to see the smoke. If he's North of us, the mountains would block his view.
LOCKE: I'll be back in an hour. (distance between beach camp and the place Eko is buried)

SAWYER: [Sigh] We ain't on our island. We're on another island, like Alcatraz, couple miles off shore. So unless you're a mermaid, or you got a boat, there ain't no point. (hinting the distance between Hydra and main island)
JULIET: Your friends aren't going to make it back to your side of the island because we're not on that island. We're on a smaller island two miles offshore. (confirming the distance between Hydra and main island)
SAYID: We're still heading north on a bearing of 305.

SAYID: We've been walking for two days, following a compass bearing provided by the carvings on a stick! (hinting the distance to the Flame)
CHARLIE: Its an eight hour walk, one way! (distance between beach camp and Naomi)
NAOMI: A ship. Freighter. About 80 nautical miles West of here. We're part of a search and recovery team.
JACK: You better get going. Rousseau says its about a day's walk up to the radio tower. (distance beach - radio tower)

JACK: Everyone's gathering down at the South end of the beach. No-one's staying behind but the shooters.
BEN: If we head North, we should get to em before they reach the tower. (Pascal Flats - Radio Tower)

Season 4

KATE: I found her trail. She's headed West across the Island. (Naomi's escape from the radio tower)
SAWYER: Why are you going East? Thought you said the Barracks were due South. (coming from the cockpit)

DAN: Its Charlotte, only three kilometers from here. (distance between the spot Naomi died and Charlotte landed on the island)
JACK: How long would it take to get to the beach and back?

JULIET: A couple of hours.
(distance between the location the helicopter went down and the beach camp)
JULIET: You're boat's forty miles off the coast, it should have taken them what, twenty minutes to get there? So why aren't you worried?
KATE: Once you hit the stream, you want to head northwest, pretty much in a straight line for about a day and a half. (distance and direction from the beach camp to the barracks)

Friday, April 6, 2007